Nachrichtenarchiv 2020

Marko Pezer ist der beste Großhändler 2020

Mit Geldpreisen sind am Mittwoch (24. Juni) die erfolgreichsten Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der Oberstufe des Großhandels ausgezeichnet worden. Für das beste Abschlusszeugnis (Durchschnittsnote 1,2) wurde Marko Pezer (Foto M.) ausgezeichnet. Auf dem zweiten Platz landeten gemeinsam Lena Voss und Jannis Bücker (beide 1,5). Es gratulierten Bereichsleiterin Katharina Hemme und Bildungsgangleiter Raphael von Hagen. Das Preisgeld für die Bestenehrung wird vom Förderverein des Kuniberg Berufskollegs zur Verfügung gestellt.

Students and teachers take part in SELFIE-Survey

Kuniberg Berufskolleg is proud of being a modern European School, which has long found its place in the digital era. We were able to show during our pedagogical day on December 12, 2018 the degree to which our school implements digital tools. Some examples are the digital class registers, the Kuni-Cloud, the many smartboards and equipping every classroom with a computer, projector and document camera.

In order to use these tools more efficiently in our teaching, we must continuously question and evaluate our performance. It is in this context that the students and teachers that are involved in the Erasmus+ Project “Connecting EU” have taken the SELFIE survey of the European Commission.

SELFIE is a free, customisable tool to help schools reflect on how they use digital technologies to support learning. SELFIE enables schools to get a picture of where they stand and to develop an action plan in order to enhance their digital capacity.

The survey’s results showed that our students are satisfied with the implementation of online platforms for teaching and learning, as well as with the availability of computers and other end devices. Furthermore, they noted that they participate more when new technologies are used in class, and judging by their answers, they will surely welcome the planned expansion of internet access with school-wide wi-fi connectivity.